Villages and cities
As Christianity spread, the dancing subsides. Originally Constantine and especially Theodosius (379-395).
St. Augustine speaks of the outrages caused by the – non-Christian – dancers in Kalamata (Guelma, Algeria) to 408.
Theodosius in 393 closes the Olympics, so stop and dances that were part of the ceremonies.
In the Codex of Theodosius for a Chapter tribunus voluptatum, especially for people in show business, that cities are provided with mimes.
The second Theodosius (405-450) puts its code in the chapter De scoenicis which condemns the viles histriones. In chapter De spectaculis refers to events in general. And in another chapter refers to the port of Gaza, where are the celebrations Maoouma dedicated to Aphrodite and Dionysus. The celebrations were allowed to Honour and Arcadia. Then banned the October 2 399. Resumed on the fourth Lion 770 to celebrate a victory over the Arabs. We recover the under Constantine the 7th, the 10th century.
The Villager, the 9th century, a pupil of Patriarch Photios wrote “Cast On,” which included the dancers.
The obelisk of Theodosius the second appear in relief with two horns “officers” and a number of dancers. The base of the obelisk, which was added to it in 390 shows two dancers. The obelisk is the second Toutmosi and brought from Heliopolis. Musicians seem to play a flute of Pan. The Hippodrome also contained a fountain decorated with reliefs showing also dancers and musicians.
In crown donated by Constantine the Gladiator to the King of Hungary in the 11th century depicts two graces, the Truth and Humility, and two dancers who shake a scarf over their heads.
Caesar the 500 Caesarius around talking about eroticism contained in the dances of the Goths established in Istanbul.
The Nikiforos Fokas, 10 century, come to Istanbul stray from India jesters or acrobats and dancers dressed in Scandinavian skins.
Justinian in 692, the second prohibits Brumalia, holidays with many dances, then the Saturnalia of the Romans, from November 27 until December 17 (the shortest day of the year).